Joaquin Clerch • Guitar
Stefan Görkner • Coutertenor
© 2011 Classic Concert Records


Fabulous! Musically brilliant, but also relaxed and cool—simply perfect!
Michael Hofstetter - Conductor

Voice and guitar are delightful. Though never straining or forced, they achieve a colorful sound that reminds of flowers in the spring. A treasure in my collection, the perfect choice when I need to calm down and relax…
Yosemeh Adjei - Countertenor

The very personal debut album of this young countertenor pays homage to traditional folk songs. He sings his own arrangements of these stories of love and desire together with guitar player Joaquín Clerch in a gentle, delicate and clear way.

My Luve Is Like A Red, Red Rose - Stefan Görgner (Countertenor)

Cucurrucucu Paloma - Stefan Görgner & Joaquin Clerch
